Invoice Search by SelectView
Invoice Search by SelectView provides Operations and Corporate Accounting information on invoices, payment status, and job costs from the office and field.
Operations and Project Managers can easily retrieve invoice status, payment information, and “charge to” information from the field without help from office personnel. Invoice Search provides an integrated system for compiling the backup documentation for owner billings.

Multi-level search capabilities
Full invoice detail including approval history and payments
Web access from any type of device
Mass print and mass download
Integrated billing compiler with user-defined folder structure
Accessible in both field and office
Project managers can identify costs incurred on their jobs from the field
User friendly with easy onboarding
Integrated billing compiler decreases errors, saves time, and reduces costs
May eliminate the need to fill administrative positions
Departmental Use:
Accounts Payable – look up status of invoices in seconds
Operations – provides visibility into job costs from the field
Administrative Staff – reduces questions and research on invoices and payments
Project Accounting – integrated billing compiler for completing owner billing backup
A Customer Success Story using Invoice Search by SelectView
SelectView’s Invoice Search module has been a game changer for Messer. We are able to utilize it in several different capacities. The biggest time and cost saver for us has been their integrated billing compiler. The billing compiler has allowed us to drastically reduce the amount of time needed to compile our owner bills while also reducing the human error element. Some of our billings are in excess of 700 pages and are very time consuming to compile. We were able to take the billing compilation time for our larger projects from 8-12 hours to 20-30 minutes. When this is taken into account for the entire company, we are saving hundreds of hours on a monthly basis. This has allowed us to not have to replace full time employees as we have had attrition. The cost savings has been more than $150K a year.
Another great element of the Invoice Search module is it is very user friendly. We were able to roll out access to all our operations teams and it greatly increased their visibility into the cost being incurred on their jobs. Instead of them reaching out to the accounting or administration teams with invoice questions, they are able to lookup invoice status, payment information, and charge to information on their own. Our corporate accounting team has also been able to utilize it to lookup up invoice statues and for check run reviews.
SelectView’s Invoice Search has been a great asset for us, and they made it incredibly easy to implement as well as make customizations. This has allowed us to continue to evolve and create better efficiencies as a company. I highly recommend Invoice Search for any companies utilizing Vista.
Alison Baden, IT
Messer Construction